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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grocery shopping: why buy for 2 when u can shop for 10???

Errand are a minimum 3 hour outing for my mother everyday. This "old peep" takes full advantage of being a prfessional Senior Citizen: you have to know double coupon days, senior days @ bank and for store discounts(not just grocery shopping,but marshals & staples participate). Who gives rain checks, and whose isms atr a better value purchase. There are 2 ppl living in this house.
This "old peep" will hit target,walmart aka walli-world,path mark,stopnshop,shop rite,CVS & Walgreens,compare, western beef at least 3x a week,each store on each trip.
"it's all about the specials" she says. I've scoured the fliers in Sunday's papers and the local penny savers. When I get to the store, they have some non advertised special that I have to go back for the next day.you can never have enuf toilet tissue or paper towels, so of course I buy whatever the maximum allowable purchase is in every store at the time. suffice it to say my son & I r thankful for this old peeps shopping habits: with a few exceptions; everything we need is right in the "old peeps" garage

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